"Truth it matters here" from the SBTS Website

Let the Nations Be Glad!


"But I do not consider my life as of any value, nor as precious to myself, if only I may accomplish my course and the ministry I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God: Acts 20:24

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Here is an update on my time here at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Classes started last week and this semester I am taking 3 classes for a total of 9 hours. The classes are Theology of the New Testament, Pastoral Ministry, and Introduction to the Old Testament 1. All of these have been very interesting so far, although we have really just begun.
I still consider it a great blessing to be here with these students and faculty. Southern has not been a disappointment at all. As most religious schools and seminaries are declining in enrollment and attendance, Southern is one of the few who are increasing in enrollment and attendance with nearly 500 new students this semester (I think that includes Boyce College which is here as well). What is the difference? While many schools have fallen into the trap of becoming more liberal in their beliefs, including the denial of the infallibility and inerrancy of the Scriptures, Southern has reversed this trend at its school, starting back in the 1990’s and has re-affirmed those principles with which it was founded based upon the inerrancy of God’s Word. I knew that I wanted to come to this school, when I saw the banner on their web page back in 2010 that said simply, “Truth Matter” and so it does in not only how and what we believe, but what we do as followers of Christ.
I have completed 65 hours of instruction, with a total of 97 required for me to get my degree. There is a possibility that I could graduate in December of 2014, just a little over a year ago if I am able to take classes as I hope. Seems like it is really going fast. Then it will be interesting to see what happens after that!



Friday, March 1, 2013

Is God a Moral Monster?

One of the many questions that may arise when sharing your faith is the violence in the Bible. It's important that we do not compromise the Bible by neglecting these important scriptures or try to interpret them incorrectly. Take a few minutes to watch the panel discussion held at Southern to help us understand why this issue is important and how to answer those with questions about it. Click the link below.

Is God a Moral Monster?

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Prosperity . . .

"Our hearts are enfeebled by prosperity, so that we cannot make the effort to pray." (Calvin)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Just sitting down at my little cubbie hole at the Southern Seminary library. Getting read to read Phillip E. Johnson's book "Darwin on Trial" which is a refutation of the theory of evolution. My assignment is to read the book and write about a page on each chapter of the book (13 chapters). This is for my Christian Philosophy class.

I just finished a review of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's book, "The Cost of Discipleship" which in my view should be a book every Christian should read. Its topic is the biblical view of discipleship as opposed to the "easy believism" or "cheap grace"(in Bonhoeffer's terms) gospel that is prevalent today. Bonhoeffer was a Pastor in Nazi Germany who stood up against Hitler to the point of being hanged for his convictions, so I think he is qualified to write on this subject. I am done with the book now and will make it available in the FBC library if you want to be challenge through reading it (even if you don't want to be challenged, you probably should read it, lol). Actually, I would love to go through this book with some men of the Church this summer if anyone is interested let me know.

One of my favorite classes has been Greek Syntax. Who would have known? Greek is and always be hard for me, but it has been great this semester to read 1 John, Mark 1, Colossians 1, and Romans 5 in the original greek language. The insights you can gain are significant.

Speaking of this summer, I am available for work this summer if any of you need something done, in order to help pay for school. If you would keep me in mind or know of a job that is flexible in hours I would appreciate it!



Monday, April 2, 2012

Prayer ...

I know many of you at FBC have been studying and spending time in prayer. Please check out Ryan Fullerton's message to seminary students on the topic of prayer at sbts.edu. Just go to the resources page and look for his message in audio or video.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Brief update ...

I'm working this afternoon on translating some of my favorite scriptures from Greek to English. Greek syntax (the greek class I have this semester) has proven to be a lot of work, but also very enjoyable and beneficial. We have read the entire book of 1 John in Greek, the first chapter of Mark, and today I am working on the first chapter of the book of Colossians. When I say "read" it means to "parse" each word in order to understand not only its meaning but its function in the sentence (subject, direct object, etc.), and then translate the sentences into English. We also diagram select verses to gain additional meaning. It sounds complicated, but most of us do this in our head when we read or speak english, its just that with Greek the word order is much different than in English. This is one thing I should have started earlier in life!
My other classes are going well and we are a little over half way through the semester. Many people ask me how much longer do I have to go before I finish my degree? By hours I am about a third of the way through the program. How long will depend on finances and how quickly I can continue to take classes. Hopefully, I will finish up in a couple more years. Thanks for your prayers and support! Especially to my wife Darla and family who are sacrificing during this time!


Friday, February 17, 2012

David Platt at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Chapel

To watch this sermon could be the best use of your time today. No exaggeration. God did not disappoint me as I literally was in tears the whole time of the message. You can find the sermon here. The fact that Shane and Shane led worship and that Chapel was pack with people giving up everything to serve Christ was instrumental as well. Watch and please comment and let me know what you think!